stained glass Milan Ambrosiana Stained glass milan

Ambrosiana Artistic stained glass made in Italy deals with the realization of artistic stained glass of sacred character in Churches, Synagogues and cemeteries and furniture kiosks in Milan

The study " Ambrosiana stained glass" made in Italy aims to create an increasingly evocative expression of light in the window. Aware of having a profound competence in the subject, it combines an artistic level of quality with a refined technique. Artistic preparation and intimate knowledge of the executive procedures of each era allow you to perform restoration work.

Our artistic windows are executed in the most ancient tradition of the Lombard School. Millennial technique that has been handed down to us by the great Masters who preceded us One in particular was the Prof. Paolo Rivetta The undisputed master I created in 1958 the artistic windows for the Milan cathedral.

artistic stained glass made in Italy, Ambrosiana Artistic stained glass made in Italy penacchio ardemagni

Diego Penacchio Ardemagni Milano

Diego Penacchio Ardemagni

he was born in Milan on May 22nd 1955. He studied Graphic at the Umanitaria of Milan during the course of A. Steiner. He became a student of Maestro L.Grassi. The classic art study and its application on glass begins. He attended a nude course at the Accademia di Brera.

He collaborates with artists of various trends such as Purificato, Paganini, Repossi and Prof. P. Rivetta. With the painter J. Resende he performs the windows of NS of Oporto. His significant works are the translation of works by P. Uccello, Leonardo da Vinci, Caravaggio, P. Picasso and A. Mucha. Performs glass restoration by G. Chini and M. Chagall.

The works carried out for the cathedral of Abijian in Ivory Coast and the royal palace in Jeddah in Saudi Arabia are noteworthy. Some of his paintings are exhibited at the National Museum of Kentucky USA.


Diego Penacchio Ardemagni stained glass made in italy character in Churches, Synagogues and cemetery edicules and furniture Art Nouveau to modern or abstract.

artistic stained glass made in Italy, Ambrosiana Artistic stained glass made in Italy penacchio ardemagni
artistic stained glass made in Italy, Ambrosiana Artistic stained glass made in Italy penacchio ardemagni
artistic stained glass made in Italy, Ambrosiana Artistic stained glass made in Italy penacchio ardemagni

Il mio studio è la mia bottega, mi piace viverlo come tale


The study "Ambrosiana stained galss made in Italy" seeks an increasingly evocative expression of light in the creation of artistic stained glass windows .

vetrate artistiche Milano sacre, chiese, sinagoghe, Ambrosiana Vetrate artistiche Milano


Creation of sacred artistic windows in Churches and Synagogues. The stained glass is an organic complement of architecture and a creative moment with multiple design imagination that gives the glass a unique specificity.

vetrate artistiche Milano sacre, edicole funerarie, Ambrosiana Vetrate artistiche Milano


Creation of sacred artistic glass windows in cemeteries and places of worship. Classic and modern performances allow us to always be at the cutting edge in creating increasingly superior and original works.

vetrate artistiche Milano di arredamento, case, negozi, alberghi, Ambrosiana Vetrate artistiche Milano


Realization of artistic stained glass made in Italy of furniture (houses, hotels and shops) from Liberty style to modern or abstract, translations of great masters such as: Leonardo, Caravaggio, Mucha, Chagall.

vetrate artistiche Milano stile astratto, vetrate artistiche sacre e di arredamento, Ambrosiana Vetrate artistiche Milano


realization made in italy artistic stained glass in an abstract sacred and furnishing style, our windows are made in the most ancient tradition of the Lombard School.

Disse Dio: "Sia fatta la luce"
E la luce fu.
Vide Dio che la luce era buona
e la divise dalle tenebre.

The "Ambrosiana stained glass" in Milan aims to create an increasingly evocative expression of light in the window. Aware of having a profound competence in the subject, it combines an artistic level of quality with a refined technique. Artistic preparation and intimate knowledge of the executive procedures of each era allow you to perform restoration work.

Our stained glass are made in italy and in the most ancient tradition of the Lombard School. Millennial technique that has been handed down to us by the great Masters who preceded us One in particular was the Prof. Paolo Rivetta The undisputed master I created in 1958 the stained glass windows for the Milan cathedral. Our materials, our glass and our techniques of painting and glass making Milan are the best you can use in the art of stained glass. Classic and modern performances allow us to always be at the cutting edge in creating increasingly superior and original works.

Mi considero un Artista:
Un uomo con l’intuito e la sensibilità
di un clown, che cerca un raggio di poesia
nella tragicità del quotidiano.

Diego Penacchio Ardemagni - stained glass made in Italy

The Ambrosiana Arte in Milan stained glass made in Italy have now obtained various recognitions at international level. Our work and achievements are found in some places of worship, private houses and abbeys important and known all over the world. Starting from the works carried out for the Milan Cathedral, for the Vatican in Rome. Diego Penacchio Ardemagni is always looking for innovation, in full respect of the beauty typical of artistic stained glass made in Italy. There are many images that testify to our best work, both in Milan and in Italy and abroad.

artistic stained glass made in italy Ambrosiana Milan, stained glass made in italy